48- Fighting for good care with MDT - Dr. Laura Mannering
Nov 10, 2022💭” If we could create an ideal world people who see patients when they are first injured would have some concept of how the body works per MDT.” - Dr. Laura Mannering
👉🏻 Dr. Laura Mannering DPT, OCS, Cert MDT specializes in orthopedic physical therapy using the MDT approach. She started her solo practice in 2016 in order to provide orthopedic care in the most ethical, reliable, and efficient manner. Having completed the MDT diploma training, she is awaiting the postponed final exam. She sees patients in Washington, D.C., and via telehealth.
📚What will you learn:
▪️ Laura's story and career
▪️ MDT's role in medicine
▪️ MDT in Primary Care
▪️ Acceptance of MDT in primary care
▪️ Advice to clinicians that are starting their careers
▪️ How to become successful in Physical Therapy
🔎Laura's favorite resource of information:
- Case studies
📲Laura’s contact information:
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